More Than An Open Low Cost MRI–A Neurologist Who Can Read It and Treat You

We believe an MRI, just like an EMG, a Sleep Study, an EEG, and nearly every other test we use, is merely an extension of the neurological history and examination. So you need an Open Low Cost MRI that is ordered, interpreted, and reviewed with you by a neurologist and specialist certified in MRI interpretation. Our specialized knowledge insures that any test we order will be performed and interpreted in a way that will help us improve your quality of life. In this way, we can save you thousands of dollars in your evaluation. A test is not just a test, an MRI, not just an MRI. Our specialized certification sets us apart from the faceless alternatives.
—Dr. Vernon Rowe

More Than An Open Low Cost MRI

The Open Low Cost MRI at the RNI is accredited by a national organization that insures its quality, and the quality of every step in the MRI process, from ordering the appropriate MRI sequences, or programs, to MRI maintenance, supervision, performance, and interpretation. RNI has included advanced imaging, including MRI, as an integral part of its practice for eighteen years. Imagers at the RNI know what specialized programs need to be performed to get the answers we need for your care. Only MRI certified technologists perform these scans, and only certified neuroimagers and renowned neuroradiologists interpret those scans.

Since our Open Low Cost MRI has an “Open” configuration, patient comfort is rarely an issue. And since MRI is a part of our practice, NO FACILITY FEES are charged, unlike hospital-owned MRI’s. An advanced PACS system stores and manipulates the images, so they can be reviewed with you in your exam room, and any questions you have about the study answered. And those images can be sent anywhere in the world for second opinions.

Brain and Spine MRI’s and X-Ray’s are carried out daily, and the critical questions regarding any need for hospitalization and further treatment can be answered quickly. For instance, in the case of someone with worsening headache, decisions can be made quickly about brain imaging, and whether contrast or blood vessel imaging, is needed. If an appropriate headache-relieving infusion can be given, we can help patients avoid the additional delay and exorbitant cost of an Emergency Room visit.

Get the benefit of cutting-edge research

We don’t just read research papers. RNI has generated our own cutting-edge research, documenting links between migraine, pinched nerves in the neck, and sleep disorders. We understand the links between sleep position, migraine triggers, and back pain. We are able to “connect these dots” thanks to our sub-specialization expertise in these areas of neurology, and thanks to our commitment to understanding each patient as a whole, a complex and unique person. A carefully designed MRI examination, chosen after a detailed neurological history and examination, is frequently a critical part of our evaluation process.

RNI is independent from hospitals, but we work with all hospital systems and doctors. This independence from hospitals does mean freedom from inflated fees and “facility fees,” which can add thousands of dollars to outpatient services — many of them paid for by the patients themselves.

Seeing is believing: We go over your MRI with you, so you can understand the results

We believe it is extremely important for a patient to view their MRI in detail, to know specifically why it was done, and to understand what it showed, or did not show. For us at the RNI, this is a critical step in the evaluation and patient education process.

Doctors who order expensive tests like an MRI should be able to go over the images with their patients. It’s not good enough for someone to just read from the report of another doctor who never sees patients. Also, mistakes are made in our healthcare system, and sometimes reports of testing bear no resemblance to what that testing actually showed. And worse, sometimes reports mention irrelevant and frightening diagnoses obtained from a laundry list of diagnoses just “for completeness.” Sometimes these “diagnoses” have a profound effect just by their mention in a medical report. Also, further useless tests are often suggested in reports, just “for completeness,” again in a laundry list fashion. Ordering MRI’s in anticipation of a visit to us, neurologists who can actually treat patients, is unnecessary and oftentimes wastes many thousands of dollars.

Our Open Low Cost MRI can acquire images of any other part of the body if necessary. Those images undergo the same rigorous review that all our MRI exams undergo, by experts in the field.

So insist on the RNI for your MRI–You’ll be glad you did.

Request an appointment online:

by Vernon Rowe, M.D. – Dr. Rowe on Google+

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